You have so many different backgrounds of people looking at what your posting on a daily basis. How are you connecting with you audience? When your posting your material, Is the content original? Or are you copying what someone else already said?
In the business on Marketing, these factors matter.
So when your advertising, you should make it your own. Make your audience as excited as you are about the opportunity that you are presenting to them. It's okay to be serious but were living in a time where laughter or a smile is good for the soul. So adding a SENSE OF HUMOR to your advertisements is a must.
Boring is bad :^( For example, if you were creating an add to get people to buy your Chicken Wings. You wouldn't post about your wings like this (Try my chicken wings, they are good) NOooo A way to get them to actually your wings would be like this (Wowsers!! my chicken wings are so good, the taste is like a dance inside your mouth. Try them today)
Lol! That's all I could come up with just off the top of my head!!! You get the picture though.
My message to you is EXPLORE YOUR CREATIVE SIDE to get your audience to connect with you and want to try whatever it is you are promoting or selling. Come up with your own content instead of always copying someone else's. It's a better way to connect with people.
People flock to you more when your post are full of excitement! If it's something they've already seen or heard before, the automatically know that it's not you. So the go in the opposite direction. You don't want that. The purpose of advertising is to bring in potential customers, not drive them away.
Take a few minutes and pre-write out some humorous adds. Save them to your computer so that you'll be able to just go in a copy and paste them. Pre-writing adds makes it easier to post content in less time. You won't have to pick your brain trying to come up with content.
Once you put your mind to it, and get those creative juices flowing. You'll be amazed at what you come up with! Now that's what I consider Being Original And Adding A Sense Of Humor To Your Advertisments
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